We protect the world’s leading brands online. Marketing, compliance, and legal teams use BrandVerity every day to monitor their brands across the web.
BrandVerity is a Paid Search and Brand Management tool most used to create reports, Ad policies, and report errors and violations to take down infringing Ads or users. They also offer tools to gain visibility and Trademark protection. Pricing starts at $799 per month, they offer personalized plans for enterprises and there’s a free trial available.
Product Details
Free trial: Yes
Free trial requirement:
- Business email address
Key Product Features:
Paid Search Monitoring, Compliance Monitoring, Marketing Compliance, PPC Monitoring, Brand Compliance and Brand Protection.Pricing: $799-$1500
Pricing discounts: None
The product good for:
- Small businesses
- Medium businesses
- Enterprises
Business Info
Date founded: 2008
Number of employees: 11-50
Number of users: N/A
Company Website: https://www.brandverity.com/
Phone: (888) 500-3485 / +44 (0) 203 633 0307
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Team Members
Software Reviews
Sean I
Source“Needed for advertisers with an affiliate program”
What do you like best?
The platform allows us to easily identify and contact affiliates that are violating our PPC policy.
Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
What do you dislike?
Depending on the affiliate network, the integration will give you more or less functionality.
Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Try to get demos from as many companies as possible.
Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
Affiliate marketing is an important program to bring for us to bring in new customers. This vendor helps to keep that program honest.
Kevin S
Source“Great program to monitor paid search violations”
What do you like best?
Everything is automated, Can easily get reports and data to see what is going on. We would get lots of reports for when our paid search team was accidentally bidding on protected keywords and made sure we fixed all errors immediately
Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
What do you dislike?
Can be over bearing, need to fine tune how often you get reports. Lots of manual work needs to be done and an understanding of broad match keywords needs to be implemented so partners aren’t being flagged for accidentally bidding.
Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Great product if you are looking to validate and protect all of your SEM campaigns. Not a lot of competition out there that can do more than they do, so i would recommend.
Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.
What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?
Helps ensure no paid search violations are happening. Can protect keywords and keep partners accountable for their bidding techniques and uses. It helps so you don’t have to manually run searches, you can have the program run when you are not looking and catch any users who are bidding without permission or verify that competitors are not infringing on your bids.
Dustin H
Source“The Secret Weapon in Brand Marketing ”
Overall: BrandVerity’s solution saves me time by removing the manual effort of monitoring our brand and automating the process of reporting trademark violations. Once everything is set up in the tool, using it is an easy and streamlined experience.
Pros: I love how BrandVerity is set up to be very user-friendly. Within a few clicks, I can review trademark violations and report violating ads to the respective search engines. I can white label websites, or set up policies to specifically monitor competitors that I want to keep an eye on.
Cons: It would be valuable if the software provided additional low-level paid search insights than what is offered, this would position BrandVerity as more of a well rounded paid search resource.
What the Interwebs Say
Users are happy with the way this tool reports and detects errors, also it helps them identify users violating their PPC policy, and some of them believe it’s a very “user-friendly” tool. However, they do complain about the amount of manual work this tool requires at the beginning and some say they should include a low-cost version with fewer features.